huuuuu...dis is waT I call relaxinG! tamBah2 lagi when yU have to Oncall The nexT day.hehe. oncall. wisH cud write a letTer to anY of KKM's peep, requEstinG for NO ONCALLs! for soMe reason..(Like..allergic tO oncall?)..wee! haih, anYhow, noT a sinGle doctOr caN escape froM it.seriOusly!
AnYwey, had mY day fuLL of fun tOday..wenT oUt wif beebee yG gile mMg taK pnaH buaT our datinGness day boring!haih, bile nK kawen seriousLy. everyBodys gettin enGaGed.married.havinG own hapPy life.kalO hapY dgN famiLy sniriK je tkpe.nih sibOk2 tY akU ble nK kawen sUme.nmind2..koranG kaweN la Puas2 duLu..nati bLe aku
kawen..kOranG da expired da ms tu.hehehehehhe.
AnYwey, like He said..he's Gona stUck to Me like glue..yeah, and m goNa stucK to hiM like forever! ya LublU tebya babe!
Dear Diary..
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
new intrapostiNg team
Hehe..tHe questiOn is : whY is it owez..I aM alOne durinG ONE-ward postinG..? Like in med 6, med 3.hum hum.
BUt its ok.
SumtyMe feel like workinG alOne in One ward wud Be mUch
Better.kot? buT if there's lini , wud Be mUchhhhh moreeeeeee better!!!!
Ok ok. urolOgy. yeah m alone Here for 2 weeks. and goiNg for HepatO team nxt. luckY its noT an OT week.if not,I DIE. serioUsly. but next week..I DIE.cause its OT weeK. and for The trilliOn time, m gOna die aLone. buwek2. staff nUrse kT surg 3 baek2 aja.oh yes for sUre akU bOle msoKkan CBD gne kaki saje after 2 weeks timw.kan??hahaha! wuh! esoK oncll. nK tido la!
Hehe..tHe questiOn is : whY is it owez..I aM alOne durinG ONE-ward postinG..? Like in med 6, med 3.hum hum.
BUt its ok.
SumtyMe feel like workinG alOne in One ward wud Be mUch
Better.kot? buT if there's lini , wud Be mUchhhhh moreeeeeee better!!!!
Ok ok. urolOgy. yeah m alone Here for 2 weeks. and goiNg for HepatO team nxt. luckY its noT an OT week.if not,I DIE. serioUsly. but next week..I DIE.cause its OT weeK. and for The trilliOn time, m gOna die aLone. buwek2. staff nUrse kT surg 3 baek2 aja.oh yes for sUre akU bOle msoKkan CBD gne kaki saje after 2 weeks timw.kan??hahaha! wuh! esoK oncll. nK tido la!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
HOme finaLLy.after 8 Hours of alOr StaR - KL journeY.woo. mcm waY t0 KelanTan kot.anYwey, had fuN in Kedah. celebRatinG new-comEr into oUr famiLy. welcoMe ijat! haVe fun with us.HEHE..coNgratUlatiOnsss hanis & ijaT. zzZZzzz..Gona da da Now. TomolO got uroLogy to suffer with.hehe. nYtey malazia!
Friday, March 18, 2011
mYhaniS geTtinG enGaged today!
CoNgratUlatioNs babe!! Uh.wa yG kapeL 6 tahOn..lU yg tunanG lU..ape cer??hahaha! AnYwey, I'm deM haPpy for yu. BerakhirlaH sudaH pncariaN pasangan idOp spuPu akU ni.sungguH indah ceritenye!hahah.abG tenTera yaw! Haha! AnyweY, woKe uP today with fuLL of releaseNess.finishInG coLorectaL is a verY big satisfactiO to me! GOinG tO urology and hepAtoBiliarY for 11 weeks..tHeN tere yU go! Finishhingg surgery!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
im OperaTing!
iM nOt acTually 0PeratinG. but AssiSting!hahahah.. 3 OT coNtinuOUSly in 4 hOuRs..RetRActinG tHose bla bla (i canT remEmBer eVerY each oF thOSe surgical InstrumenTs la!). Hernia repAir, trachaL cyst remOvaL, LipomA removal. Lucky we duN Hev tYme for 2Nd Hernia. if Not i wiLL be stuck there like..EVER! uhh...waT i like abOut OT?
I LIKE THE OT SUIT. bole bwk tido!
anYwey, OT was fuN. i leaRnt a lOt. buT i wiSh i cud see tHis oNe Operation. PERICARDIECTOMY. How DatO raMzi And ProF Zamrin saFe mY pApa for his pericaditiss!
One day.
i wisH.
I LIKE THE OT SUIT. bole bwk tido!
anYwey, OT was fuN. i leaRnt a lOt. buT i wiSh i cud see tHis oNe Operation. PERICARDIECTOMY. How DatO raMzi And ProF Zamrin saFe mY pApa for his pericaditiss!
One day.
i wisH.
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