OK skanG sUdeY tiBe mAse utk aKU utk Buhsan sparo Seda.kawan2..APe itu PeritoNitis..?HUmm..SesuaTu yG bile sBot agak senanG, tP ble cikgu taNye, bOley buaT akU tenGange.muhaha
PERITONITIS : funGaL or bacteriaL iNflammatiON Of peritoNeum..(ape itu Pulak periToneum? Peritoneum is A silK-liKe memBraNe yanG coVer kt pUnye inner abdominaL waLL daN orgaN2 dlM badan nih..)
How They develOp?
haa...ini YG kT naK kenE taHU..penting nih..!
- froM aN infected Organ ( infected orgaN caN caUse scatTEriNG of infectioN iN peritoNeal cavity.ctH cam perfOratioN of stOmach, InteStine, gaLL bLAdder)
- LepaS sUrgeRy?yeas..mUngkin Juge..Sebab..meBBe ms OperaTioN uh, there's maYbe sligHt damaGe tO orgaN sucH as gallbladder..Stomach..sPleeN tahT caN droP the Bcterial tO periToneal cavity..whO knowS ryte?doctors aRe HUMAn too!
- PeriToneaL diaLysis..?yeah..iTs a metHod of Treatment for chronic kidney failure..how?wiTh a usinG of oNe's peritoNeum as a MemBraNe for BLood aNd oTher flUids aNd dissOLved subStaNces (urea, alBumin, electroLytes) EXCHANGE.
SymPtoMS!! e
- pain In partS of aBdoMen (saNGat sakit..PErlukan painkiller!)
- Muscle TenSion
- naUsea, vOmittinG
- difficultiES to pass StOOl aNd GAses yaKni..SUSA NAK BERAK! --> SyMptoM paresis of iNTestine
- increaSe temPeratUre
HOw tO exaMine?
- full BloOd coUnt (PLus RHesUs-factor and Blood grOUp)
- UriNe anAlysis
- eCg
- RenTgeNograPhy of aBdomen
parT paling BesT, TreaTMent !
- antiBacteriaL TheraPy (cepHaloSporin II aNd III GeneratioN, aMinoglYcOside)
- iNfuSion Therapy not More ThaN 1500-2000 ml yeah..(10% gLucoSe SoLution or Ringer-LactatE sOlution)
- aahh..painKiLLER...
- TreaTmenT of iNteStinaL paresis (URBETIL, PROZERiN)
- draiNage of The fluid.
- Surgery..Ngeh2...
- reMovinG SOurcE of InfectioN (kaLO taK beJaye cari sourcE nih..bUat fisTUla(hOle), drain aNd taMponade it)
- cleaNing of aBdominaL cavity
- NasoiNtestinaL IntUBAtion (NII)PLUS intesTinaL TapPiNg(cikgu akU ckP..NII uh slalUnye iNdicaTE utk reduce IntoxicatioN and prOphyLactic utk pareSis of InteStinal)
- drainAge of abdominaL cavity
huiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhh...MngaNtoKnye daku! mcM nk tidO je..?Boley kah?hahahha