uHgg..liFe is Short...HeLL yeah.uH i meaN..deYs aRe shOrTer tHaN nYtes..ah..wiNter..i Hate wiNters.Yes i dO.if ive beeN asKed abOut the WHY qUestioN..mY aNSwer GOna b ::bcaUse m tirEd Of brinGing tHose HEaVy JacKeTS Here And tHere..to hOspitaLs, sHOppiNg mall, fisH marKet..eVeN tO tHe Groceries nExt to mY hOsteL bUilding.plUs tHe mUffLer arouNd My NecK, arH sraBot..!aPe mNde alaH Yg bOleH ilaNGkaN KserabOtaN tbabit..mY wishlist..hewah!
1) BALEK KL..haVinG all thE fuN tiMes wif My LoveD oNes...eaT aLL yU can aT mAmaK..shOp tiLL yU drOP(cez eVen if i droP i StiLL heV mY BANKER~papa to beG fer sUM mONey.haha)..
2) BercheNta..hUMmm..!i LOike..watch mUvieS..dO stuPId jOkeS with mY giLe bOyfie..gO dO sUM siLLy sTUff lyKe eaTinG aLL daY throUgh..sIP of coFFee..lepaK Lepak2..uhh I mISYO darl.
3) hUuuu...SHOPPPING!..deM..i wanT deT
HERMES birKiN BaG.i want i waNt!
CerruTi 1881 aNalOgue..haishh..
5) lpaK MNcaroT dGN Faeda..wiNdU kO syial!