life Been mIseraBle.beeN cheaTed bY traVel aGEnTs.tHe flight tickeTs canceLLed durinG checK-in.bOUghT new flighT tickeT for abOut doubLe the price.sHortened mY triP @ egYpt from 3 to 2 dayS.OMFG. azad is The BaNgsaT fUcHinG pUkhiMak froM BANGLAdesh.fuh fuh..calM down izNee.duN jUSt be as sTupid as him.stuPido of The sTupidesT.yU shUd heV lyke burn down yO office And maKE sure yu R in The builDing..fucHqers.
p/s: oH, oNe mOre.PRAKASH keling, duN leT me see Yo face.or m reallY gOna kick yO stUpid BaLLs (oh, du yu really heV one?) fucHqErs AGAIN.botH of yu.